How to Pick Furniture for Your Small Outdoor Space

No matter what kind of outdoor space you have, most of us are making the best of it these days. If you live in an apartment like me, you can still invest in outdoor furniture even if you have small outdoor space.
You won’t regret it because:
1. It’s Summer
It’s still summer, which means it’s that time of year when we’re spending the most time outside soaking in that good Vitamin D (*inserts sunshine emoji*).
2. We’re still in Quarantine…well, some of us.
We are spending more time at home right now than ever before, so embrace your outdoor space!
I’m talking to those of us who are trying to make the best of the limited space we have. If you live in an apartment like me, you probably have a small patio space.
Believe it or not, my current patio space is more than what I had at my old house.
One of the first investments I made after moving into the new home was finding good outdoor furniture. It didn’t need to be luxurious – it just needed to be comfortable, durable and nice to look at.
After figuring out exactly what I was looking for, I knew this Jagger 3 Piece set by Brayden Studio was the perfect match.
Analyze Your Small Outdoor Space

Most apartment floor plans will only allow limited outdoor space, but you can still make this work for you. Even if it’s three pieces of furniture in total. That’s what I did. Our patio is about 3 x 6 ft., and I still wanted to leave enough room for plants.
To make this work I had to find narrow, cozy chairs and a tiny table. I picked colors that paired well with our blue siding. I can’t think of a better color to go with blue than brown.
Consider the Weather Where You Live
It rains a lot in Atlanta where I live, so the furniture had to weather well. I usually bring the cushions inside when I know it’s going to rain, but on days when I forget it’s good to know that the cushions will weather just fine.
Where you live is going to be important when picking certain fabrics and textures for your outdoor furniture.
Is it a Temporary Fix or a Long Term Investment?
One of the reasons I was able to find furniture so quickly and not stress about it was because I knew it was a temporary fix. I literally only wanted a place to sit comfortably outside. That’s it. I probably won’t take it beyond this apartment.
If this is the case for you, it’ll be a lot easier to find furniture than those who are wanting to purchase something more long term. Either way is great, but definitely know what your intentions are before buying. Me personally? I’ll wait until we buy a home to really splurge on outdoor furniture.

Small Outdoor Space Takeaways
- Purchase pieces according to the amount of outdoor space you have
- Keep it Affordable if it’s a temporary fix
- Make sure the furniture will thrive where you live